Kiwi Accelerate Labels, Taking the Stress Out of Label Logistics


Kiwi Accelerate Labels, Taking the Stress Out of Label Logistics

Keeping all your labels in stock is a process that adds complexity to your business that you don’t need. Use Kiwi Accelerate and let us take that stress away for you.

Kiwi Accelerate takes care of all your labelling stress by managing stock off site for you. We hold your labels in stock and send to you as and when required. You retain control of your resources, while we manage the day-to-day logistics and management.

Lower label cost

The more labels you print, the cheaper the cost per label. However if you don’t have storage space then ordering thousands of labels will be unlikely. With Kiwi Accelerate, order as many as you want, reap the cost savings, and let us store them for you.

Reduced on-site warehousing

Let us store your labels for you and save the need for stacks of labels taking up room in your storage/ warehouse.

Prompt delivery

If a staff member forgets to order a new run of labels and you order them in a rush, it can be days or weeks until we can print your new run of stock. By having labels in stock, we can deliver anywhere in NZ overnight, allowing you to get on with your business with no interruptions. Quick response with no compromise on quality.

Controlled label deletion and alterations

If you need to change your labels for whatever reason, we can easily phase out the old ones and start printing and supplying the new ones. No more risk of finding a stack of ‘old’ labels somewhere in the back room.

Concise reporting

Let us report to you, at a time that is suitable for your needs, on your label usage. We can help you forecast what you need based on your order history.

Reduced administration

With no inventory to manage, you have reduced administrative costs. No stocktakes to do, no stock levels to maintain.

Enhanced stock rotation

Use the oldest stock first, always. No stock that gets old or ages, fades or become obsolete. We make sure you only have what you need and when you need it.

Reduced working capital

Pay only when you use the stock, not when you order it. We can invoice when we ship, meaning you can take advantage of bulk orders without the big expense involved.

Risk management

Let us manage one of your business risks for you. We store and stock just-in-time so you never run out, and never have an interruption in your business.

Let us take the stress out of your day-to-day label management. With a wide range of benefits, the service we offer with Kiwi Accelerate offers huge advantages to your business. Contact us today to see if this is a service that would work for your business.


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